Monday, 24 February 2014

A Grown Up Card

Morning all and welcome to another challenge here at Make My Monday - Jacqueline here (yes sorry -again!) and this week my challenge to you is to make a 


This week we DO NOT want to see any cute cards

To give you a better idea please take a look at the Dt entries and why not click on our names and pop on to our blogs to take a closer look?



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Sunday, 23 February 2014

Love is in the Air Top 3

What an amazing response to our LOVE challenge and so difficult to choose a Top 3, however, after a great deal of deliberation, here we are:-

Congratulations to our winners, please grab a badge and display with pride,
Rosie x

Monday, 17 February 2014

Recipe Challenge

Good morning all and welcome to a new challenge at Make My Monday. It's me Jacqueline with this week's challenge and I have a recipe for you. When you make your cards this week please stick to these guidelines:


Here below is some excellent inspiration from the DT - please do click on our names and visit our blogs

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Sunday, 16 February 2014

Anything But A Card Top 3

Hello everyone, it's Fliss here with our top 3 for my Anything But A Card challenge and wow, did we have some stunning entries for this which made it very hard to pick favourites.
Thank you so much to everyone who entered such gorgeous creations and I wish we could have picked you all but there can only be 3 so here are the lucky ladies:

Such a beautiful bird themed ATC booklet

Crafty Kay's Room
An amazing clock for her brother's birthday

Ira's Crea Corner
A stunning purse and dance cards for Marie Antoinette

Many congratulations to you all and please help yourselves to your well deserved badge from our side bar.

Don't forget to check back tomorrow as Jacqueline has a new challenge for you and it's one with a difference so hope you can join us.

Fliss xx

Monday, 10 February 2014

Love is in The Air

Good Morning and welcome to you all.

Rosie here with our challenge this week and I have chosen LOVE.  I hope you enjoy our inspiration projects this week and look forward to seeing your entries.

Please link up your entries below.

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Sunday, 9 February 2014

Eastern Promise Top Three

Hello and welcome , thank you to all who joined us for the Eastern Promise challenge . here are the top three
 1. Asha

 5. Veronica

 6. Mamapia
Really beautiful work ladies don't forget to shout about your success by grabbing our winners button from the side bar and proudly displaying it on your blogs
 Suzi B xx

Monday, 3 February 2014

Anything But A Card

Hello there and welcome to a new challenge here today with a theme which I picked as I love challenging myself to make something other than a card. For this reason I'm challenging you to create:

Anything But A Card

A big apology from me too for my lack of commenting lately which is because I work in accountancy and the dreaded tax deadline is 31st January so you can guess how glad I am that it's February!

I can't wait to see what you come up with and want to thank all our regular participants too as we couldn't do this without you!

Here's what the Design Team have come up with and I think you'll agree it's fabulous inspiration.

Fliss x

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Sunday, 2 February 2014

A Little bit of Kraft Top 3

Happy Sunday everyone,

It's winner's day here again at Make My Monday.
We had some fab entries for our Kraft theme
- thank you for your support.

Here's my Top 3
(in no particular order)


Jane Willis


Many congratulations ladies, 
please feel free to take a winner's badge for your blogs.


Don't forget to pop by tomorrow and see what Fliss has in store for our new challenge.

Hugz, Jan xx
Who would like to see their card on Facebook? Just like our page, enter the challenge and wait and see! Our Facebook badge is in the side bar.