Monday, 27 January 2014

Eastern Promise

Good morning and welcome to this weeks challenge. It's my turn, Suzi B and seeing as how it's Chinese new Year this week..... Friday 31st The Year of The Horse, I thought we could celebrate with a theme of
Eastern promise
See the lovely inspiration the DT have provided.  I hope you like this weeks challenge  and I am looking forward to viewing your interpretations which can be anything with an Eastern theme.
Have fun and enjoy!
Suzi B xx

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Sunday, 26 January 2014

Birds Top 3

Good Morning, I hope you are all having a restful and creative weekend.
Thank you for your entries into our BIRDS challenge, here are our Top 3 this week.

Congratulations, please take your Winner's Badge and Display with well deserved pride.

Monday, 20 January 2014

A little bit of Kraft!

Good morning and welcome back to Make My Monday.

It's great to see so many of you back with us for 2014. Are you ready for our next challenge - it's Jan's turn to choose the theme this week and we would love to see your projects using


Will it be as a main feature, or as a background layer? And don't forget, it doesn't have to be a card - we love to see other types of craft too.  Here's what the design team came up with for your inspiration ...

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Sunday, 19 January 2014

Embossing top 3

Thank you to everyone who joined in with my Embossing challenge here is my TOP 3..
CAS cards, Masculine cards
Well done, please take the top 3 winners badge - found at the top under badges
Hope to see you all again for tomorrows new challenge - see you then
Laura xx

Monday, 13 January 2014


Good Morning and Welcome.  As it is Monday again it is time for a new challenge.  This week I, Rosie, am the very lucky hostess and have chosen BIRDS as my theme.
I hope our project ideas inspire you and that you will join in with our challenge this week.

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Monday, 6 January 2014


Welcome back after the Christmas holidays, we hope you all had a fabulous Christmas spent with friends and family, followed by a sparkly New Year. Are you already to get crafty again... I am and couldn't wait to get back to it, starting with this weeks challenge  


We hope you play along with us and we cant wait to see what you come up with...
but first here's some inspiration from the Design Team...
Thanks for coming by today Laura Mackie xx

Rosie x

(Dry embossing coloured with pearlescent chalks)

Suzi B

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Who would like to see their card on Facebook? Just like our page, enter the challenge and wait and see! Our Facebook badge is in the side bar.